Reliable Ways to Mitigate Procurement Risk


Procurement professionals want to minimize procurement risks. However, before you take risks on your own, it is essential to know what you are facing. We’ve compiled a list of the most crucial procurement risks procurement professionals need to be aware of.

Procurement activities can be risky. Any procurement professional understands the importance of managing these risks. It’s about protecting your company from potential problems that may arise during procurement. This article will explain the importance of managing procurement risks and how they can be avoided, identified and managed. Besides, if you want a contract management software to manage your procurement contract risks, follow to start a free trail today!

Why Managing Procurement Risks Is Essential

Although the primary role of the procurement function lies in procuring goods and services for organizations, this is only the “what” of procurement. Risk management is the “why”, which is about finding the right balance between reward and risk to create savings and add value. Every purchase, whether it be pencils or private jets, leaves behind a trail of transactional data and is subject to various risk factors, such as vendor reliability, product quality and company reputation.

It involves decisions at all levels and can impact every organization’s department. Therefore, procurement strategy should prioritize risk mitigation to maximize efficiency and efficacy.


Five Steps to Effective Risk Management

Risk Identification

There are many risks that could arise, from major problems like a bankrupt key supplier to minor ones like a project member moving to a new position. No matter how small, every risk must be identified. To keep track of them, create a risk registry.

Risk Analysis

Each risk is evaluated against two criteria: likelihood and impact (terms that can be interchangeable). This is often done on a numerical scale. Pro tip: Do not use a scale that has a middle option. It is human nature to choose the middle ground when you aren’t 100% certain.

Risk Ranking

A risk matrix gives each risk a score, multiplying the likelihood by its impact. This will allow you to rank the risks and determine which ones are most important for your project or organization. If scores are not equal, you might favour impact over likelihood or vice versa to rank one higher than the other.

Risk Mitigation

Once you have identified and ranked the risks, it is time to create mitigation strategies or contingency plans. This should include all stakeholders and identify roles and responsibilities for the eventuality of these risks.

Risk Monitoring

There is no set risk register. Risks will evolve, and new risks may emerge. Some risk registers might even disappear. It is essential to have a robust monitoring plan in place to ensure that your registration is current and that everyone knows what to do.

What Can You Do to Minimize Procurement Risk?

Standardize Procurement Processes

You should plan your procurement processes to ensure everyone in your team knows the procedures they must follow to ensure that all data is correct, complete, current, and accurate.

It’s much easier to trace the source of blame and identify delays if everyone follows a standard procurement procedure.

Because procurement staff know exactly what each stage should do, standardized procurement procedures allow them to speed through the process.

Use Procurement Automation Technology.

There is only one winner regarding spreadsheets and software: modern procurement processes must use modern tools.

A full-fledged ERP system may be the best choice for large businesses or those who process large volumes of transactions. These enterprise software packages can be highly customized but often quite expensive.

A simple, no-code solution for procurement automation can solve the bottlenecks in manual procurement for everyday businesses.

Modern online electronic forms, mobile and e-signatures and automated routing make duplicate data entry and manual errors obsolete. This allows for faster procurement processing and less time chasing approvals. Instead of wasting time on paperwork errors and searching for signatures, your team can concentrate on their core roles.

Enhance User Communication

You’ll buy the wrong products if you don’t understand user needs. To reduce risk, improve communication with end-users

Be clear about the importance of functional requirements and create a need statement. Then, work with users to develop realistic and practical timelines that account for lead time for procurement.

Develop Supplier Relationships

Globalization comes with inherent risks, as we have seen. The benefits of globalization are too great to ignore. This requires a shift in mind-set.

You can build real and collaborative relationships with your vendors to work out any kinks without having to argue heads.

Procurement technology can improve purchasing, communication, and feedback, so there are no unnecessary delays in the vendor supply chains.

Final Thoughts

Once you are familiar with the risks associated with procurement, you will understand why an in-depth risk assessment is so important.

Technology is leading the charge in reducing  procurement risks . You’ll be able to reduce the time you spend on repetitive tasks and eliminate errors by automating essential functions. This will make procurement risk significantly lower.

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